hink you got what it takes? Try to identify these ten album covers, from which all easily erasable identifying marks have been expunged, and you’ll win your very own mixtape from a Stylus writer. That’s right, it’s Stylus’ newest weekly feature: the album art challenge.
All you, the reader, has to do, is identify the artist and title of each work below and send the results
here with the subject line Album Art Challenge Week XXX. Can’t identify all of them? No worries. Each week there
will be a winner. It will be the one who comes up with the most out of the ten selected covers by next Wednesday at 12 AM, no matter how few that may end up being.
What’s the prize? The winner will receive a personalized mixtape from the Stylus writer of their choice. After next week’s contest has been announced, they will be e-mailed by our prize committee. Good luck!
Last week’s answers
01: The Red Krayola - The Red Krayola
02: Migala - Arde
03: Mark Eitzel - Music for Courage and Confidence
04: Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene
05: Tindersticks - Simple Pleasure
06: This Mortal Coil - Filigree & Shadow
07: Wire - The Ideal Copy
08: Losoul - Getting Even
09: Klaus Schulze - Moondawn
10: Silver Apples - Contact
07. 08.
Posted 04/13/2005 - 08:35:54 AM by jlynch: |
| wow, I can recognize one album here. out of all of them, that brings the total amount of recognized albums up to 1. |
Posted 04/13/2005 - 03:17:38 PM by GavinM: |
| By coincidence, I am listening to #7 right now. |
Posted 04/18/2005 - 03:24:19 AM by RavingLunatic: |
| Couldn't anyone just look up all these albums on AllMusic and get tham all right? |
Posted 04/20/2005 - 09:23:26 PM by Nick_S: |
| no... how you go about doing that? dragging the picture into the search field... i think not.
i guess you could also look at everything on the site and memorize them. :-P |