Movie Review
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

By: Jen Cameron

Posted 05/26/2005 - 01:08:07 PM by cwperry:
 I believe Douglas Adams approved the plot revisions and screenplay before he died.
Posted 05/26/2005 - 05:26:39 PM by IanMathers:
 He did; some of them are still shit.
Posted 05/26/2005 - 06:57:24 PM by fraew001:
 "I’m hard pressed to think of a single director off the top of my head that has transitioned smoothly from directing music videos to directing films" spike jones?
Posted 05/26/2005 - 08:07:06 PM by groupsmug:
 "I’m hard pressed to think of a single director off the top of my head that has transitioned smoothly from directing music videos to directing films" spike jones?" BLAST! touche, fraew001. how could I forget!?
Posted 05/27/2005 - 12:58:04 AM by mheumann:
 One thing I really do like about the movie is the simple fact that Arthur Dent is not as much of a doormat in this version as he is in the books or the series. I credit this entirely to Martin Freeman, who possesses such nihilistic acceptance of the universe's idiocies that it's hard not to see his failures as triumphs (in their own way).
Posted 05/27/2005 - 03:26:46 AM by IanMathers:
 I should also make clear that although a few of the changes bug the shit out of me, I really liked the movie. Not sure if I agree with Michael about Arthur, though - for me Henderson perfectly nails the doormat thing because everytime he thinks he's succeeded he's actually failed. And some of the changed stuff works fantastically well - as much as I hate the way they handle Arthur confessing his feelings, the way the mice decide to go for his brain anyways is brilliant. A good, not great adaptation, but a surprisingly good movie nonetheless.
Posted 05/27/2005 - 03:30:55 AM by vsvsvs:
 Douglas Adams didn't approve anything, remember he died in 2001. This is based on a draft script he wrote before he died... a DRAFT script... which is why the new ideas are so half-baked and not fully realised. They should have just got somebody in to write a straight adaptation rather than this atrocity.
Posted 05/30/2005 - 02:27:00 AM by MusicNotSee:
 i have no qualms... I've been an adams deciple for a quarter of my life... EXCEPT that each and every one of the actors seem to have read the book and consciously endeavored to mimic the personalities they imagine adams having entrusted them with. like every member is trying to fit themselves into the book, instead of trying to do the script justice. the script goes perfectly well, it's a big budget movie, i theyre gonna spend all that cash on effects they're gonna want a big budget plot, and it works, FOR A MOVIE, but the way the actors typecast their characters is HIGHLY gut wrenching... no matter how bad the new danger is with numetal overtones, he'll never be as white as he is playing ford... and who are you kidding, there are going to be no more or less than 4 sequels to this movie... it couldn't happen any other way... that's why there's an uneasy feeling about the ending, cause in the end the hotel's supposed to take arthur with it JEEZ!
Posted 05/31/2005 - 02:06:19 AM by proffokker:
 "no matter how bad the new danger is with numetal overtones, he'll never be as white as he is playing ford" You're an idiot. Period.