“Livin’ Thing,” or How the Electric Light Orchestra Stole My Childhood

By: Todd Hutlock

Posted 10/25/2005 - 10:30:44 PM by J_R_K_:
 yeah, this song stole my y2k
Posted 10/27/2005 - 01:50:55 PM by dskuja:
 I never knew it was about that. i thought it was a virginity thing. Oh well. I fucking love the tune. Always have. it always sounded "mexican" in a way, near the grand canyons or something. For 20+ years, I have always thought that ELO were one band that could be "rediscovered" in a big, fun way. Kudos to stylus for having the balls to say ELO RULES!!! :)
Posted 10/27/2005 - 01:53:56 PM by hutlock:
 it might not even really be about that, dskuja. Bear in mind, English is not my mother's first language!
Posted 10/27/2005 - 03:42:32 PM by J_R_K_:
 sure, they say ELO rules. but what about ELP? i remember getting the ELO talk from one ex girlfriend's dad, and the ELP talk from another ex girlfriend's dad. they never gave me the sex talk though.
Posted 10/27/2005 - 03:52:40 PM by hutlock:
 Funny enough, there was more than one Stylus staffer who proposed an ELP week. That is not gonna happen. And of course neither of those dads gave you the sex talk -- if they were fans of ELO and ELP, chances are they had precious little experience with sex themselves.
Posted 10/27/2005 - 05:34:14 PM by ghillz:
 Any news on who the next Hall of Famer is going to be?
Posted 10/28/2005 - 09:38:15 AM by hutlock:
 Nope. Initial plans are to do two a year, so look for the next one sometime in Spring 2006. We're still figuring it out among the editors at this point. Stay tuned.