Super Furry Animals – Arnofio/Glô in the Dark

By: Iain Forrester

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Posted 11/29/2006 - 07:50:53 PM by :
 The Furries were on fire in Collyrymon, all a`clasping their dying wishes to the heart of the Wales-n-Tails promotion for the return of Mefrefwyth and Dudong, the lingos that got blingo`d in Wolf Hatshtee`s The Turn of the Word. I read about this in great detail because my Welshian Grand-sister`s delineation of Mefrefwyth dialect in the Cappelan Monthly mentioned SFA with that sense of ambivalent pride you`ll find in any self-respecting Welsh rugby players pre-match singalong. The Furries relocated and Mwth was born and even Welsh curmudgeon`s like Jovan Leelan stymied their homespun sound by suggesting the gesture was altogether a little too "ara-jingo". At least we had the music heheh!
Posted 11/30/2006 - 02:29:58 AM by :
 "power of initial moment of release." Don't know if that makes sense. What good is release if there's no tension first? Speaking of tension, I listened to Fake Can Be Just as Good (song) accidentally on the train and remembered that Blonde Redhead were good live and that song is all tension and no release so it really gets you ready to listen to Sonic Youth. Asian guitar playing woman was supercool, nice dress. Meatbreak would have come. Timbre of voices better than I expected. I had totally forgotten about the SFA, mostly because I register a flatline on the EKG i have set up next to my Stylus IV when someone plays them, so I'll focus on Creation records. I dated this guy once whose DIY indie label released some Mountain Goats songs in the darkages. He showed me this song, it is still my favorite song by SFA's virtuostic Creation labelmate: then I ate dinner and mopped floors
Posted 11/30/2006 - 04:48:32 AM by meatbreak:
 What, come as in cum? Maybe. Afrirampo did that to me playing and when I spoke to them after I bust a nut. How could you forget about the SFA Jess? They're always there in the back of my mind, despite their last three albums juxtaposing their greatness by being less than. When they asked God to show them magic I came too. RIP Stavros. I think.
Posted 11/30/2006 - 11:01:23 AM by Carumba:
 JG, what - are - you - on - about?