| no more grad papers please |
| Man, I'd love to see this. Jean-Luc!! |
| Nice review. It's almost like he had to get this out of his system before unleashing Éloge de l'amour and Notre musique. Where does Fujiwara write about off-screen time? |
| Thank you pindar--and duggie, for assuming I could get into grad school. Fujiwara's description of off-screen time is admittedly a bit different, but really interesting; he talk about it in a review of Platform at http://www.insanemute.com/content/platform.htm. Platform's a good case though, too--again you can only approximate where you are in time. |
| Congratulation! Reading this was pure joy! |
| Props to Chris for coming up with the term, though I think the way you use it might be more productive, because it is more of an analogue to the way off-screen space is usually understood (not so much about preexistence as a different kind of synchronic presence). Hmm..maybe I will write a 'grad paper' on this. |