On Second Thought
Prefab Sprout - Two Wheels Good

By: Todd Hutlock

Posted 06/20/2004 - 10:16:23 AM by lolashines:
 Attn: Todd Hutlock First, congrats on your marriage! Second, I am a die-hard female Prefab Sprout fan, have been for almost 20 years. I'm 39 now, and discovered them soon after graduating from hs. I hung out with some pretty cool older people who turned me on to a bunch of great music back then. I never noticed that other women don't care for Prefab Sprout, but I never met too many women or people in general who have good musical taste! Just wanted to let you know I exist - hope it brings some relief! - Regards, Colleen Kaley
Posted 10/25/2004 - 03:13:28 PM by hutlock:
 Post Script: The wife and I have now separated and will be divorced in December 2004. Guess she didn't really like that album after all...
Posted 11/27/2004 - 02:16:49 PM by Rumlett:
 Todd Hutlock -- Bummer about the marriage. Sorry to hear that. Did want to say I sincerely enjoyed your article on Prefab Sprout. As a freshman at UT Austin in the spring of 1985, suffering my first real failures and therefore my parents' first huge disappointments in me, I clung to those lyrics... the magic I perform, pulling rabbits out of hats... thinking truly that if I screwed up too much, flunked out, lost that National Merit Scholar kind of glow they probably wouldn't love me anymore. I was partially right. Flunked out, had to go home for a semester, tuned out the parents' fighting with, among other things, Prefab Sprout on the WalkMan, and got my shit together enough to return to school. Now I teach 7th grade and believe it or not, those same lyrics are quite relevant and appealing to my modern overachieving 12 year olds. I used them just recently in a discussion of a journal topic and my students were all, "Yeah, that's exactly how I feel..." They understand quite well the concept of being the prodigal. Odd that you don't know any females who loved Prefab Sprout back in the day, or now. Or maybe I was/am just an odd girl. Whatever. I've been called worse.
Posted 12/15/2004 - 03:42:31 PM by belgium:
 You're probably right about the concept album angle but I never realised it -- although I've listened to the CD many times. Just started listening to Prefab Sprout again and wonder what ever happened to Wendy Smith. Her mysterious voice is without a doubt one of the reasons I like the CDs so much. By the way, are you a fan of Todd Rundgren? Todd: one of the few American names that hasn't caught on here in Europe.
Posted 11/07/2005 - 04:49:41 AM by Miranda:
 I've had a similar problem being that none of my boyfriends ever liked Prefab Sprout including my husband. I think they felt threated by Paddy McAloon somehow. Anyway, hi from another female fan since 1988. -Miranda