William Shatner
Has Been

Shout Factory
Reviewed by: Todd Burns
Reviewed on: 2004-10-08

Posted 10/08/2004 - 08:09:55 AM by yoshi4:
 Sorry dude... I'd like to say something other than 'I disagree' but I can't. I don't feel that it has that The Shat has that same self-aware style that ..say Arnie had in T3--- it's still genuine music for the most part, and I think it's still very sharp and relevant for certain audiences. I think it's a brilliant piece of humanity! (Okay, agreed, the guests are nearly ...no all pretty awful... but The Shat! The Shat never let me down!) Peace, Yoshi
Posted 10/08/2004 - 10:12:27 AM by Hexagon:
 Totally disagree. You've missed the point of the record. If you approach it with a Sixth Former's eye for irony - the kind of irony that makes people buy Rainbow and Magic Roundabout pencil cases 'for a laugh' - you'll be disappointed. "Common People" is as good a cover as I've heard all year, "Together", the collaboration with Lemon Jelly (one of this country's greatest assets) , is possibly the best track they've had a hand in since Lemonjelly.ky, "I Can't Get Behind That" is a surprisingly good little bebop tune and the title track is... well, bizarre, but pretty funny for it. The rest varies from alright to pretty good. Certainly nothing poor enough to deserve such a low score. Where else are you going to hear a mock Western themetune referencing Nintendo? Hang your head.
Posted 10/08/2004 - 02:07:15 PM by thinsafetypin:
 i've listened to "common people" well beyond the 5 play limit and i still love it. the rest of the album i've only listened to once, and it has its ups & downs, but on the whole is WAY better than you're making it out to be. then again, i love joe jackson enough to use a line from one of his songs (i'm the man) as my online handle, so my opinion could be slightly skewed.
Posted 10/04/2005 - 01:32:10 PM by davoid:
 Sorry, mate, but you're totally brimming over with wrong-ability here. I think you need to put on your impartiality hat, clear your mind of your prejudices, then listen again.