Gang of Four

EMI / Rhino
1979 / 2005
Reviewed by: Alfred Soto
Reviewed on: 2005-05-31

Posted 06/03/2005 - 10:34:41 AM by Bootsy:
 If I'm gonna let any rock band barrage me with politics, it's gonna have to be Gang of Four. Unlike many poli-punk and similar polemical rock genres, Go4 doesn't feel the need to yell at you, they let the music's swagger do the talking (for the most part, the album cover and inset helps). Oh, and Albert, what's with giving the Go-Betweens newest an A and this an A-. I don't want to argue about taste, but didn't you find the Oceans Apart's lyrics to be somewhat trite. Entertainment!'s were much more relevant, and while losing some relevance, they still emote more than the whole of Oceans Apart.
Posted 06/04/2005 - 08:35:21 PM by susanvp:
 "...their last album Free..." Their last album was Shrinkwrapped. Their third album was called Songs of the Free. And I'm going to go ahead and assume that you meant "I Found That Essence Rare," not "I Feel That Essence Rare," the latter not being a song title by Gang of Four or anyone else as far as I know. Jesus.
Posted 06/17/2005 - 10:33:46 AM by AlfredSoto:
 I don't post the grades, Bootsy. And I don't find the Go-Betweens' lyrics trite at all (as opposed to, what, Go4's "important" lyrics?). Entertainment! is important historically, but someone has to call them on their faults.
Posted 10/07/2005 - 09:06:32 AM by Solist:
 A masterpiece. AA+