Paul McCartney
Chaos and Creation in the Backyard

Reviewed by: Tim Ellison
Reviewed on: 2005-10-06

Posted 10/06/2005 - 08:50:36 AM by florenz6:
 This is a great review. I enjoyed the reading, and it added some nice details to my own listening experience. Another review compared "Riding To Vanity Fair" to the atmosphere of Robert Wyatt´s 1974 masterpiece "Rock Bottom", and, yeah, it made sense.
Posted 10/06/2005 - 10:53:06 AM by wmdavidson:
 Nice review.
Posted 10/24/2005 - 06:17:30 PM by ieatseeds:
 I didn't think I would, but I actually like some of this album. I'm really surprised at how good it's worked out.