| Nice review Cosmo, as ever - though don't you think that Nocturno Culto's sneering 'Shut up you fucking cunt' in Shut Up from Darkthrone's The Cult IS Alive is much more withering than the 'Shut Up' in Transclucent Pattern? |
| Whoops - I meant 'Twat', not the dastardly C-Word. Got carried away. Sorry, sensitive readers. |
| i'd give this a B+ or possibly an A-; any B seems too low. it's much better than 'souls'; the songwriting is far more memorable, the performances tighter and more energized, and, as you mentioned, it's better mixed. it's true that death metal has become very rote, but this is way above the average. |
| meatbreak, Darkthrone and Suffocation are going for very different things here. Darkthrone, to me, has a strong tongue-in-cheek element, while Suffocation has none of that. But it's an interesting comparison, as you point out. |
| Yes, I guess the contexts of the songs are very different but I do favour Culto's delivery. |