ow, I don't hate Moby because he uses the same synth string sound in each song, a sound that feels like it needs something. I don't hate Moby because he uses the exact same four note pattern each time he uses the aforementioned synth string. I don't hate Moby because he is a vegan. I don't hate Moby because he has essays about his veganism and other issues in the liner notes. I don't hate Moby because he combines old blues field recordings and electronic breakbeats.
I don't hate Moby because he unabashedly sold as many of his tracks as he could to companies for use in their advertising, including television shows. I don't hate Moby because he is now name checked by fraternity types. I don't hate Moby because he attempted to sing on this album.
I don't hate Moby because of his wild stylistic changes during the record, which was reminiscent, but not as wild as his 1995 album Everything is Wrong. I don't hate Moby because he sounds like the Chemical Brothers and Fatboy Slim on the track "Bodyrock." I don't hate Moby for being, admitted by himself, a "jerk" at times. I don't even hate Moby for releasing a special edition of the CD with bonus tracks within two years of its release. I don't hate Moby for having a better literary pedigree than me (his great-great granduncle is Herman Melville). And I even don't hold a hatred of Moby for being one of the most visible techno artists in America right now.
But I do hate Play. Imagine that.
Reviewed by: Todd Burns Reviewed on: 2003-09-01 Comments (0) |